The Tablet market is exploding. The iPad may have lit the fuse, but most major manufacturers and many small companies are jumping into the fire and most of those manufacturers are turning to Google’s relatively open source Android operating system.
Android is fast overtaking Apple and Blackberry as an operating system because Google is allowing other companies to use and adapt the Android platform for their devices. While Google is not releasing its operating system as a totally open source product, it is much more lenient than either of the other options. Because of Google’s relative freedom, Android devices and applications for them are prolific.
Android apps are available from many venues, even Amazon has them. One relatively new Android app store is called AppsLib. They cater to all kinds of Android tablets. Not only does AppsLib have more than 35,000 apps, many of which are free, but they are actively recruiting developers to create more. Developers who submit their apps to AppsLib have access to a huge market with over 1 million Android tablets already using their marketing system and they plan to double that number by the end of 2011.
With so many new Android devices on the market, finding apps that are written for a specific one could be a time consuming and frustrating process. However, when you sign up for a free account with AppsLib, the first thing they ask is which tablet you have. They offer more than 30 choices from the many different manufacturers who have elected to bundle AppsLib into their products. Then they recommend only those apps which they have tested and found to be compatible with that device.
They have a broad selection of categories from free utilities such as Adobe Flash Player, The Weather Channel and Facebook to 3D games and even an exclusive line of Adult only apps that require a special pin for access.
AppsLib uses PayPal payments for both developers and users so that handling currency from most anywhere in the world is a snap. With PayPal’s secure payment system, purchasers can buy from anywhere in the world with ease.
=== About the Author ===
Tony Baker spends lots of time writing reviews about e-readers.
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